The mournful strains of Tom Chaplin (Keane's lead singer) had me thinking about the sifaka, who also wails what could be a cry for help or just a mating call. I thought it might be interesting to add sifakas and other lemurs to Keane's best loved song.
The idea wasn't to be funny or disrespectful, it was just an experiment in sound.
"Sifaka" is pronounced with a "sh' and without the "a" as: "SHI-FOCK" (especially by William Hung). Madagascar natives gave the creature its name based on one of the animal's shouts.
All the percussive accents on "Everybody Changes" are real animal calls. Aye aye! (Yes, the sound of the exotic aye-aye is in there, too.)
If you download just ONE song today...this really shouldn't be it.
EVERYBODY CHANGES INTO LEMURS Instant Download or Listen on Line.