Your download, cut from the Broadway show, is "When Messiah Comes."
The song came to mind because it's Passover time, and one of the traditions involved is for Orthodox Jews to get especially fashimmelt, and think that every Jew should get into a truck (a "mitzvah tank') and wrap tefillin. They believe if every Jew all over the world does this, then Messiah (perhaps the late Rabbi Schneerson) might finally make an appearance, either live, or on tape via Jay Leno, David Letterman, or, considering the lack of foreskin, Jon Stewart.
Questions of questionable religious rituals (waving a chicken over your head for example) the evolution of varying degrees of Judaism (including reformed), changes in interpretations of the Torah, and why so many Jews are brainy or funny (or both) have dogged both Jew and antisemite alike. Some aspects of changes in religion and morality were addressed in the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof."
A song written for the show, but banned, was the seriocomic "When Messiah Comes." Is Jewish suffering to be rewarded when the Messiah comes? Why the suffering in the first place? How will the Messiah explain over 2,000 years of persecution, not to mention Ben Stiller movies and having to own two sets of dishes?
The irony and humor of "When Messiah Comes" was considered a little too much for 60's Broadway audiences. However after the great Herschel Bernardi took over the role of Tevye from Zero Mostel, and there was interest in his interpretations of songs from the show, he was able to sneak the tune onto his solo album.
For all observant Jews (a mark of which, is finding this blog) here's a bit of levity to go with the unleavened bread, and a trademark bit of bitterly amusing humor that should go down better than bitter herbs. For tonight's seder, the first night of Passover, the song may be a lot more fun than playing "hide the matzoh."
For all kind-hearted Gentiles (and any Gentile still reading this is more than qualified) the song can easily be adapted to a question of when Christ returns and why he and his Dad have allowed so much suffering in the world. After all, Easter's close to Passover and come to think of it, Jesus is as close to Jewish as you can get.
Enjoy the Easter/Passover holidays, God willing. Herschel Bernardi (October 30-1923-May 9, 1986) could still be alive and with us, except it either wasn't God's plan, or there is no God. In 1986 he lived long enough to celebrate one last Passover, and that means something. Doesn't it? We may not know for sure until Messiah comes.
WHEN MESSIAH COMES No pop-ups, porn ads or wait time. It wouldn't be nice.