Tuesday, August 29, 2006

CARROLL O'CONNOR - Remembering You

"It's all over now." I mean, the controversies over "All in the Family," where Carroll O'Connor and cast had to defend their show against charges of promoting bigotry. Today, the show is remembered, and still watched, as a "classic." Though so much praise went to Carroll O'Connor he modestly said his "Archie Bunker" character was merely a cross between Jimmy Cagney and Jackie Gleason.

During the run of "All in the Family," O'Connor was inspired to write lyrics for Roger Kellaway's closing theme song. The opening sentiment: "Gotta feeling it's all over now, all over now, we're through. And tomorrow I'll be lonesome remembering you..."

He got a chance to record this wistful number on an album called "Remembering You," a collection of 30's hits with spoken introductions for each song. As you download this and play the opening line, "It's all over now..." may the memories of all the great work Carroll O'Connor did come back to you. It's a good song, too. Here's "Remembering you," sir.

Fresh Link Instant Download HERE. No codes, Rapidshare or confusion


  1. Hi Ill!

    Thanks for posting this! You're aces in my book! (I tried to come up with a better superlative, but I couldn't think of anything). How about you're the top! The king? The bee's knees? No, none of those seem to work. Well, you get the idea. :))

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Can u please psot this again? I really really love Carroll and i cant find this anywhere else on the net. This would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Anonymous1:10 AM

    thank you sooooooooooo much for posting this!

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Mr. O'conner could have been a great film actor, though television seemed to be a perfect medium for him. I don't know what he channeled per the Archie character, but it has to be the most realized working-class hero this side of Ralph Cramden. The sweetness shown between Gloria and "Daddy" bespoke the tenderness behind the facade, just as ralph
    and alice made up at the end of each episode.
    I remember fondly "remembering you", as I was about 8 or so when
    "All in the family" first came on,
    and that closing song triggers a
    zillion happy memories of childhood.
    Thanks for posting, and long live the memory of Carrol O'Conner.

  5. Thank you for posting this song. Being a long time fan of All in the Family, I am pleased to hear Carroll O'Connor's voice on the closing theme.

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  8. Anonymous5:51 PM

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  10. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Спасибо понравилось !

  11. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I'm glad you said that?

  12. Anonymous7:18 AM

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