Tuesday, December 19, 2006

BOBBY COLE "Growing Old"

On this day, December 19th, in 1996 my friend Bobby Cole died.

"Growing Old" is the last song on his solo album, 'A Point of View.'



  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I've been listening to this, and to 'Bus 22' several times tonight. This one is both chilling and touching; I've been feeling my age lately for a change, which is probably why this is ringing such a bell in me.

    And 'Bus,' while quite an odd experiment, seems somehow timely and appropriate.

    Thanks for sharing them. And now it's time to go rest these dimming eyes.

  2. Bobby told me he played this song during a gig in a Pittsburgh nightclub...and was accosted afterward by a big, big guy who grabbed him...and then burst into tears, talking about that song.

    I like to think that any comments left are for the artist, as much as the sharer. So thank you, amid this Christmas tide, on behalf of the late, great Bobby Cole.

  3. Hi Ill!

    What a fitting tribute! I think he would be pleased to know you're keeping his memory alive.

    I wanted to wish you a happy holiday and to thank you for all the wonderful music you've shared over the year. Have a wonderful 2007! :))

  4. Hi Nom!

    And thanks back at ya, for having such a friendly blog with all the sincere and helpful music lovers.

    Potzrebie and Sapristi!

  5. Im a songwriter from South Africa and have always loved this song, Bus 22 to Bethlehem, I listened to it in 1969. Ill be covering on my next album. www.fulltiltmusic.co.za
