Wednesday, August 29, 2007

GINA GERSHON - "House of Woe"

Gina Gershon is hotter than Jessica Alba and Jessica Biel put together. Although maybe not hotter than a video of Jessica Alba and Jessica Biel put together.
Gina is one of the sexiest women on the planet, and if you don't agree, look at the photos. If you still don't agree, leave my blog, you antisemite. And don't download any of my other Jewish princesses, from Eydie Gorme to Dinah Shore to Genya Ravan. Feh! Double feh!

Gershon's always had a strong interest in hyphenating her fame, as in "actress-singer" and she's gotten some creds to back her up, from her movie "Prey for Rock & Roll" to a brief stint in Broadway's "Cabaret" (I think second or third to replace Brooke Shields, who was second or third to replace the original star of this second or third revival).
Her first solo album arrives any day now. Despite the Mylene Farmer goth cover idea (tears of blood) it's strong mainstream pop, although there may be one or two songs that carry too much of a country tinge.
Years ago, at some goofy press-party that drew Robin Williams and other celebs (Griffin Dunne fitting into the latter) I noticed a wickedly attractive girl moving about the periphery, and she gave me a sexy, assured stare when I walked over and took a few pix. She hadn't made a hit film yet, and somebody told me her name was "Tina."
Years later, nostalgically checking pages of chromes in various looseleaf bindings of party and event pix, I recognized that my mysterious "Tina" had become the goth, humorous, exotic, erotic, fascinating actress singer GINA...
She's still in the illfolks category because she's not yet renowned as a singer, and infamous mostly for her ill roles in "Bound" and "Showgirls." Perhaps her debut CD will vault her past cult status and out of my clutches.
When, in any fit of masturbatory homage, you purr her name, she pronounces it GEE-nah, grrrr-SHON. First name accent on first syllable, second name accent on second syllable. Now listen...
Gina sings: HOUSE OF WOE No wait time, code words, porn ads, pop-ups or foul balls


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Uh yeees Gina rrrrrox!

  2. Reimer11:08 AM

    MMmmmmmmm. This goy's in lust with you, Gina.

