Saturday, December 19, 2009

JIMMIE DAVIS The Man Who Put the Nails in Jesus' Hands

You know what?
I'd hate to be the man who drove the nails in Jesus' hands.
Wouldn't you?
Sing along to GOV. JIMMIE DAVIS on the chorus.

"Well I'd hate to be the man who drove the nails in Jesus' hands...yet I know I do the same when I take his name in vain..."
Jimmie asks, "if he asked you for water would you give him vinegar? Do you know how he suffers when you sin? When you break his commandment oh don't you understand? You place thorns on my Lord's head again."

Bending a commandment more than breaking it, I shalt add some blogger caveats that a) the song is not believed to be in print or available via iTunes download, and b) the rights still reside with Peer Music, Ltd, and c) be glad I didn't also steal "I'd Hate to be the Shmoe who Put his Toe Up Moses' Nose."
I hope the man who drove the nails in Jesus' hands is not only burning in hell, but doing it with an iPod that can't hold a charge.

This bit of country swing is from Jimmie's 1970 album 'Songs of Consolation,' which magically appeared ten years after he was re-elected governor of Louisiana.

NAILS IN JESUS' HANDS No Wait Time, Captcha Code, Pop Ups or Porn Ads. Not for Jesus, by God.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulously sick. Right in time for Christmas!
