Sunday, August 19, 2012


Back in 1959, Dickie Goodman and Mickey Shorr, as "Spencer & Spencer," released a "break-in" novelty single, "Russian Bandstand." Unlike most of Goodman's demented 45's, it had some edgy jokes on the lethal nature of the Soviet mentality. What happens if somebody doesn't like a song or a disc jockey? BANG!

"The Red Menace" was not a joke at any time in the 20th Century. There was this guy Stalin, and "pogroms," and in Dickie's era Nikita declaring "We will bury you." The "Cuban Missile Crisis" nearly blew up the world.

But hating "Commies" became an Archie Bunker joke. Movie hero Ronnie Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall," and it seemed like the Russia just dissolved like an Alka-Seltzer tablet in vodka. Billy Joel and Paul McCartney played Russia. Russia? Evil Commies?

Two words: Vlad Putin.

His latest sinister outrage: creating a terrorist state where "freedom of speech" is once again no longer an option. And a silly punk trio called "Pussy Riot" were denied bail, and after three months in the clink, got sentenced to two years in jail. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, comrade, because Vlad's done a lot worse.

In America, Opie and Anthony wouldn't have spent a night in jail for what Pussy Riot did: singing in a church for a minute or two. If two or three pimply Brits from Lulz-Sec actually crawled out of mommy's basement and protested in a church rather and pulled the stunt Pussy Riot did, the right honorable police would've simply escorted the lads off the property, that's all.

But Russia?

They ignored Sir Paul McCartney's plea for lenience! Do you believe it? Lovable peaceful Paulie, Mr. "Back in the USSR," gets no respect from the Ruskies! Madonna wore a "Pussy Riot" sign on herself and Putin didn't notice? He ain't human.

Patti Smith remarked that Jesus would've forgiven the girls. Tikhon Shevkunov of the Sretensky Monastery (real tight with "Pooty-Poot" as Dubya called Putin) said: "We did forgive them from the very start. But such actions should be cut short by society and authorities." Oh yes. Like the pogrom days…Jews aren't bad people, we just don't want them in our country and their lives should be cut short.

Citizens living in Russia were pissed off. Chess master Garry Kasparov joined a group that protested the harsh sentence. Reports say the mob was quickly dismissed and Kasparov beaten. Fighting for freedom in Russia, 2012, is as dangerous as being a Jew in Russia in 1912.

A rock band tossed in jail? This may surprise some bloggers, "sharing" forum members and torrent-lovers, because to them, RUSSIA IS GREAT.

To pinheads, Russia is the "don't spoil our fun" country. They "don't let the bastards win," at least when it comes to copyright. "Don't worry," ADMINS of piracy sites tell their bunnies, "if we have any problem, we go to a RUSSIAN SERVER! And thank God there ain't no SOPA or any other law or block these wonderful RUSSIANS who do what they do...oh, because they are so NICE.

Actually the Russians are making money off American and British artists by hosting illegal files. Grateful and stupid Americans and Brits are selling out their own artists. Only they are suckered into shouting "Fuck Capitalism, dude," and "Freedom of Speech against American Tyranny!"

That's pretty stupid. It's one thing to ignore reality because you're a lazy dumbass too high to know any better or care. These are the people who shrug, "I love my doobie, and don't scare me with that crap about how the money I give my dealer somehow goes to organized crime, or beheadings in Mexico or oppression in Colombia. That's booo-sheeed, dewwwwwwd."

So the "music is sharing" assholes don't want to hear that using Russian websites puts money into the pocket of Putin, and that Putin uses it to kill "Freedom of Speech" and to literally kill people. Like Alexander Litvinenko. In England. In a crowded British restaurant. Nobody ever prosecuted. Missed that? Here, succumbing to a lethal poison, are Litvinenko's last words, a declaration to Vlad the Killer:

"… You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed. You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilised value. You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilised men and women. You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life…."

You think Russia is wonderful because they don't think writers and artists and singers and film makers should be paid? But that Russian websites should profit with their hosting and their credit-card gimmicks for "premium" accounts and downloading whole albums for less than a dollar? You think the RIAA is run by creeps? Well, Russia is where Pussy Riot is rotting in jail. Russia is where freedom does not exist. Russia is where lethal power games are played, and I'm not talking about a "conspiracy" to make you pay $10 for a music album YOU don't happen to think is worth it. I'm talking about Putin making sure a psycho country such as Iran is still part of the United Nations and not sanctioned Putin making sure North Korea, another psycho country, remains powerful. Putin making sure to do whatever he can to weaken the American economy. Think he doesn't remember Nikita's line, "We will bury you?"

Communism is a "commune," where everyone "shares," whether they like it or not. Disagree, and you are DEAD. Communists don't believe in copyright. They don't believe in human rights. They don't believe three stupid girls in a punk band should be able to pull a musical stunt that tweaks the nose of authority.

They don't believe in charity. When a bunch of Africans are starving, do they cry out to Russia for help? No, they cry out to America. When there's a flood in Asia, what language do you see on the planes and boats bringing aid to the people? English words.

The piracy companies now hiding behind the Iron Curtain are making a fortune off British and American artists, the record labels, management companies, offices, staff, studio technicians, disc jockeys, etc. etc. Not only is it killing the economy in the English-speaking world, it's fueling acts of terrorism and violence by Putin and his terrorists.

RUSSIA and Big Brother…GOOGLE…will tell you "Internet freedom" is vital. Taking away the freedom of Pussy Riot for a couple of years? Eh….not so important. So let's make sure Russian websites aren't blocked, and the money pours in so Putin and his religious crackpots can continue keeping the people down…if not six feet under.

Remember this: when you speak English, you are SPEAKING THE LANGUAGE OF FREEDOM, and you should be ashamed of yourselves for using this language to endorse piracy, or to say "fuck America" and "let's download from Russia." And don't use English for double-talk: "let the entertainment industry find a new paradigm for making money.

Freedom — real Freedom — not "cut off their heads" talk from kings and queens — became a reality when some British people crossed the Atlantic and created "The United States." Yes, some Dutch were involved. Some French. But the language of the United States? ENGLISH. Great men of British descent such as Washington, Hamilton and Jefferson ignored monarchy for Democracy. They believed in "The Bill of Rights." Human rights. Copyright.

Your heroes and my heroes…from John Lennon to Phil Ochs, believed in America, were patriots for America's ideals. Even when they disagreed with American policy, they weren't about to go to Russia. John fought to stay in America. McCartney came to America after 9/11 to sing FREEDOM.

Now a quote from one of the PUSSY RIOT girls. She's not like the male counterpart her age, some lazy, bratty sod from Lulz-Sec or Pez-Dispenser or whatever, who sits around in mommy's basement spouting comic-book threats about "DOS" attacks in revenge for copyright owners standing up for themselves. No, HER idea of change doesn't involve tossing other people's movies around, or making secret money by SELLING hacked social-security numbers to RUSSIANS.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova said this after her sentencing:

“To my deepest regret, this mock trial is close to the standards of the Stalinist troikas. Who is to blame for the performance at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour and for our being put on trial after the concert? The authoritarian political system is to blame. What Pussy Riot does is oppositional art…. it is a form of civil action in circumstances where basic human rights, civil and political freedoms are suppressed.”

Large scale piracy, of the Demonoid, Megaupload and "torrent site in Russia" type hurts the Capitalist society YOU live in. The Russian government under Putin kills "freedom of speech." Those are facts you can not and should not rationalize. If you want to, do it in Russian. If you want to laugh about Russia, download "Russian Bandstand."

Spencer & Spencer RUSSIAN BANDSTAND Download or listen on line. No capcha codes, no wait time, no DepositFiles bullshit of pop-unders to a spammy page of spyware from creeps such as who give you the "are you sure you want to navigate away from this page" sticky stuff to keep you trapped till you have to force-quit.

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