Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Last month the blog posted about the Marx Brothers trying to get past customs officials via bogus Maurice Chevalier impersonations. Know what? Even the French singer's record label pulled a "fake Chevalier" routine!

When the 30's romantic singer had a comeback in the 50's thanks in part to the movie "Gigi," MGM decided to re-package some Chevalier songs for a "new" album. The idea was to cull all the songs with females in the title ("Cecilia," "Margie," "Dinah,") and play on the "Gigi" hit song "Thank Heaven for Little Girls." Let's just show Maurice with grown up girls! But…

"Do we really need to pay Maurice to pose for a re-issue album cover photo?" PAY Chevalier, ehh? Nah!

Take a look at the album cover. The guy might as well have hidden his face behind a passport! If there weren't already enough Internet hoaxes, this blog would be claiming that the model was actually Zeppo Marx. Not even Snopes could undo the damage!

The album cover is really more entertaining than the music. Maurice Chevalier was a charming fellow, and he and his outrageous French accent can still be amusing for a song or two. Just how many of these songs with women's names you'll want to hear…well…you'll judge for yourself as you slowly turn as stiff as a washboard. Or pasteboard. Or skateboard.

Chevalier's THANK HEAVEN FOR GIRLS GIRL GIRLS album He sings songs with GIRL names: Margie, Cecilia, Dinah etc. etc.

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