Tuesday, September 09, 2014


She was known as EunB (sorta the way "Scary Spice" Melanie B is known as MelB). Whether Ladies' Code could be considered yet another K-Pop variation on the Spice Girls I'll leave to musical scholars.

EunB, aka Eun-Bi Go, was killed in a car accident on a slippery road on September 3rd. A few others in the band were also in the vehicle, but have survived. As did the driver who did his best to navigate under poor conditions and a sudden blow-out of a rear tire.

Just 21 years old, and looking more like 18, Eun-Bi Go was darn cute, which is a trait of so many K-pop girls. And here in the Land of the Ill, it's still difficult to forget the passing of another great "Eun." That's the Eun and only actress and singer, Eun-Ju Lee.

The song below is probably their biggest hit, "So Wonderful." Aside from being annoyingly catchy after a minute or two of its repetition, the visuals chosen for it are pretty stunning. On YouTube, the official video has a mild, weird "story line" about a guy taking his lifelike sex doll out of its package and setting it up for romance.

I can almost hear the ghost of Pat Morita protesting, "Sex dolls? That's Japanese. South Koreans don't do that schtick!" But it seems like they do.

Your version is the live one...with some appropriate squeals of joy from both sexes in the audience.

In concert, Ladies' Code minced around the stage, struck Lolita poses, lightly touched their lady areas as they synchronized their strutting, and in general did their best to make their female fans believe in GIRL POWER. The male fans? Oh, these girls could break hearts and arouse groins.

EunB was adorable in the girly-girl outfits she wore, and was quite fetching in a variety of wigs and hair colors. It's always a sobering reality when such a mindless accident happens. She was bubbling with life and energy…and the bubble literally burst. What can one even say about the whim of fate that took her?

Despite this tragedy, the innocent sweetness of Ladies' Code shines through in the existing concert videos, and in the music itself. It will take time, but just as sometimes we can watch The Rolling Stones on the Sullivan show, and not dwell on Brian Jones being dead...we'll be able to watch EunB with her group, and think of her as forever young.

EUN-BI GO and her group.... So Wonderful

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