Friday, November 09, 2018

FANNY WALKED THE EARTH - Now, mostly Pirates & Assholes! Here's new FANNY music

Did you know FANNY put out a comeback album? Over SIX months ago? I didn’t. That's what happens when there's no more radio disc jockeys and no more rock magazines, and idiot fat-cats like the RIAA claim "streaming" is the answer. People are drowning in the streams. Few can find the tasty salmon trying to make it upstream. The stream is polluted by rap, crap, and so many amateur assholes placing their shit on Spotify, that FANNY, among so many others, has gotten nowhere. No building of momentum. Nothing. Of course, even if they DID have thousands streaming their music, they'd somehow only get some pennies. 

Let's take a look at what a typical song on their new album has done via streaming on YouTube all these many months: 

Huh? Barely two dozen people listened, free? Maybe the way to encourage our favorite older musicians to make new to BUY THEM. To RESPECT THEM. How do we make the music great again? We do what made America great: BUY. It's that simple. America was built on capitalism, not giving everything away thanks to dung beetle morons in shoutboxes and vainglorious lonely fools needing a nice comment on a blog, and certainly not forums and torrents run by English-as-Second-Language pirates and thieves hiding in Eurotrash countries beyond the reach of copyright law. 

(Parenthetically, you should know that YouTube is run by the Big Brothers of GOOGLE. YouTube ain't giving the girls ONE PENNY for a streaming song that only gets 28 or 280 or 2800 plays. In fact, powerful YouTube recently DEMONETIZED thousand of uploaders. Why? Because they CAN. Uploaders who had 50,000 or even 100,000 subscribers were cut loose. YouTube has NO phone support, ignores emails, and doesn't have a moderator to answer questions in the YouTube forum.)

While it's true that some of our favorites make music that recalls a line in Randy Newman's "I'm Dead But I Don't Know It," many still can create and perform a good song. Certainly, the chosen track on Fanny's new album (we'd call it a "single" if there was such a thing anymore) is up to the standard of what they did decades ago. Very catchy. While they aren't a quartet (Nicky Barclay has retained her chosen obscurity), The Millington sisters are still gettin' it done, abetted by Brie Howard Darling, vocalist and drummer (replacing Alice DeBuhr). No keyboardist, as Nicky was irreplaceable. Brie was in the band before it morphed into Fanny and signed with Reprise, and returned when the group managed one last contract via Casablanca. 

Unlike Nicky Barclay, The Millingtons made several solo albums over the years. The last time they made a CD, I bought an autographed copy via their website. I know that most people can't really afford to "support" a lot of bands, but most should do what they can within their budget.

There was a limited number of signed copies on the "Fanny Walked the Earth" website, but I didn't buy one. I didn't know the website existed. That's a problem with relying on social media (which is so glutted with crackpots and spam). With so many people on Facebook shouting about their Kickstarter campaign, or begging people to drive hundreds of miles to an obscure gig, or visit the new, re-tooled website to check out the new's just impossible to spend so much time paying attention to it all.

We all knew when the big "Blood on the Tracks" 6 CD set was about to "DROP" or The Beatles White Album 6 CD set or the "Imagine" 6 CD set...but who knew FANNY was back, was apparently re-named FANNY WALKED THE EARTH, and had a new album? And those that did know...what did they do except maybe go to a forum or shoutbox and mewl, "Anyone got the new FANNY album in FLAC?" Yeah, they wanted to take a load of FANNY, take a load for FREE. Not many have been "LURED AWAY" from their compulsive need to have dozens of 4TB drives full of shit they'll never hear, to even take a listen to ONE track of the new CD. Below, one track....

LURED AWAY...listen online or download...and the band gets as much of a royalty as they would from the YouTube post. None.

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