Friday, August 09, 2019


Iva Zanicchi and Ringo Starr are both the same age. 79. 

The difference is that Iva is not on the road with so-called "All Stars" wearily waving a few fingers while the audience sings "Yellow Submarine." Another difference is that Ringo never successfully ran for public office.  Of course the biggest difference was that Iva could look pretty hot and could definitely belt out a tune, not belt out of tune. 

I don't think she ever met Ringo. For this Photoshop job, I stuck his head on the body of some colpito al cervello testa dei pesci posing with Iva circa 1965. (Don't bother to look it up; loosely translated, I called him a brain-damaged fish head).

Here's Iva's BEATLES MEDLEY from many years ago. You can fast-forward the first three minutes, which is an original song and not a Lennon-McCartney or Harrison.

Geddya tootsie-frootsie Beatles, here!

"Yesterday" is way too emotional to be sung in anything but Italian, so after the opening word, Iva does just that. From there, her olive-oiled voice slides into a fervent "Let It Be" sung in English with perhaps some vocal coaching from the ghost of Chico Marx. The violins sag and segue into "Michelle,"and she sings to Michelle which to adds a little lipstick lesbian zest to the mix. For Harrison's "My Sweet Lord," the steel-belting lady pours out molten-hot high notes.

At the risk of seeming snarky about today's twats, THIS is a singer. Iva performs WITHOUT monitors in her ears, doesn't have tattoos or indulge in wardrobe malfunctions, and leaves the squatting for the ladies room.  She does no aerobic dancing and has no fruity bunch of male back-up dancers either.

She moves effortlessly around a pretty awkward set where the musicians are against one wall, and the audience far removed on the other side. It would be intimidating for some to perform with a sterile gulf between them and the audience, or to try and remember the lyrics and stay with the melody with a small orchestra flurrying nearby. She knows exactly where the cameras are no matter which direction she goes, and she gets it done without being either garishly ravishing or pop-tart cute.

Born January 18, 1940,  Iva began recording at 25, and won the San Remo song contest in 1969. She averaged an album a year from 1970 to 1988. The pace slowed with stand-outs "Come Mi Vorrei" in 1991 and "Fossi un Tango" in 2003. In May of 2008 she joined the European Parliament, representing Forza, Italy. She took over from a departing politician named Mantovani. Quoth Iva at the time:

 "I believe that the EP and the EU should continue to promote sports. Sport has a key-role today when it comes to fighting social problems such as racism. Sport also teaches respect for rules, respect for teammates and especially respect for opponents… Sport is often a vehicle for peace!”  

If you'd like a download of the original vinyl....

Iva's Beatles Medley - no passwords, no dodgy slow Putin-scum websites, no porn ads or spyware

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