Monday, September 09, 2019

Sinead O'Connor the Martyr, now singing Prince again: Whatever Gets You Through the Crazy

You remember Yusuf Islam. Is that his name? Is that whose name? Some Georgio guy? Is that how it's spelled? Oh, you know, CAT STEVENS. 

People stopped buying his music, around the time he was saying that if a crazy old bastard in Iran thought a harmless writer should be killed, then he should be killed. That Rushdie to Judgment deal. 

Once the money wasn't coming in, the name came back. "Hey, it's ME. It's CAT STEVENS." 

We're all happy that Sinead O'Connor, the one who ripped up the Pope's picture, the one who called white people BACK SINGING "Nothing Compares 2 U." Even if nothing compares to Allah. Let's not be cynical and say that she's in need of money and some good publicity.

All is forgiven. What's a little blasphemy about the Catholics, or white people in general? It was the "crazy" talking. The vapors. 

You remember her tweets from a year or so ago?

"What I'm about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it.
But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that's what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting."

That's ALL white people. You might call it White-o-phobia, but there's no such thing. Islamophobia is what's important in the world. Certainly not anti-Semitism, as nobody cares much about the Jews. Why should they? You think Jews are going to blow up a nightclub? Back to Sinead. 

Seriously, we were worried about her when a few months ago, reports had her going from the frying pan into the fire. I mean, she wasn't in Ireland, she was in....NEW JERSEY.

We don't want the woman sitting in a motel in New Jersey threatening to kill herself. People were desperate to find her because so many people sit in a motel in New Jersey threatening to kill themselves. 

Ah, here we go. Sinead in her lovely bright red nun's Oddjob. Whatever: 

She performed on "The Late Late Show" in Ireland. Not to be confused with "The Late Late Show" in America, which is actually on every weeknight, and has actual viewers. 

The host of the show, trying very hard to be inoffensive, supporting, kind, and nice...and clearly not wanting to get his shirt ripped in half or a bomb shoved down his pants, politely asked Sinead how the new Allah thing was going. Sinead, a model of logic and coherence, said, approximately: 

“Ireland was a very oppressed country, religiously speaking. Everybody was miserable, nobody was getting any joy in God. Whatever the church were teaching, they weren’t happy either. Whatever they were telling you God said, it makes no sense, because everybody’s miserable…"

She's speaking for the entire oppressed country of Ireland, apparently. That was Sinead growing up in Ireland. At the same time of course, in Iran or Iraq or Egypt or Syria or wherever...women like Sinead were delirious with joy. They liked not driving a car. They liked being put into forced marriages after their clits were circumcised. Most of all they liked the fantastic MUSIC they were hearing. Oh yes, and they liked that anybody gay was thrown off a roof and Christian churches were being burned, along with Christians. 

Say, you can't burn churches in Ireland and make people happy. Sinead claims that over the course of her crazy life, she dabbled in other religions, but...maybe she didn't hear much about Islam till ISIS came along? Till a French magazine office was blown apart? Till a disco was bombed to shit? Till people running in the Boston marathon were crippled? Who knows. Oh, right, she does:

"I left Islam last because I had so much prejudice about Islam. I read just Chapter 2 alone of the Koran and I realized oh my God, I’m home. I’m a Muslim all my life and I didn’t realize it…it’s a way of thinking…you could almost be a Muslim without actually officially being a Muslim. It’s a head set…." 

There you are. It's a head case. In case you think the woman has got it together and is firmly a Muslim, allow her to hedge:

"There are things I identify with and things I don’t identify with, but I really really felt oh my God, I’m home…Holy God I’m home…(the hijab) I wear when I feel like wearing it. I don’t know, there’s no rules…I’m not required to wear a hijab…I was born into Christianity…what I like about Islam is I get to keep Christianity and I get to keep Judaism, which are both two religions I love and studied…I used to wear a Crucifix…(in a hijab) people don’t recognize me…it’s cool…” 

Cool. There you are. She can still enjoy aspects of Christians and Jews, and she can take or leave the hijab. Except you know how very severe religions are. Let's take the shi'ites and the sunni. Same religion? Nope. There are subtle differences and they are worth killing over. Same as in Nigeria where Procol Haram or whoever they are, figure they aren't raping and killing black women if they're Christian. Being Christian means they are no longer human. Something like that. 

The Boko bunch aren't like Sinead, who is now Muslim but insists she also represents the best parts of Christianity AND Judaism. Maybe even Druidism, depending on whether she ever walks a dog and lets it pee on a tree.

That stuff about saying how DISGUSTING white people are. Please forgive her, for she knows not what she says when she is periodically out of her mind: 

"As regards to remarks I made while angry and unwell, about white people… they were not true at the time and they are not true now." Believe it because she tweeted it. She's like Trump. Believe in the tweets, and don't wonder if a follow-up tweet may contradict it. 

“I was triggered as a result of islamophobia dumped on me. I apologize for hurt caused. That was one of many crazy tweets lord knows.” 

She doesn't mention who dumped Islamophobia on her. Maybe somebody who wanted to see an Ariana Grande concert and got her leg blown off. The good news is that it's not likely to happen when you go to see a Sinead O'Connor concert, so go ahead. It'll make up for NOT having bought her last album, the one with some pretty good songs on it like "Reason with Me." No, seriously. A good, dark song and it was ACTUALLY titled "Reason with Me." It's about a junkie:

"I stole your laptop and I took your TV. I sold your granny's rosary for 50p." 

That's the way it is with a junkie. They will do anything when they're nuts. And changing their name won't help. Will it? As for Sinead O'Connor...pardon...she's Sadaqat Shuhada. Shuhada is Arabic for "martyr" and Sadaqat means "truth" in Urdu. 

I'm not fluent in Urdu. I'm not even fluent in Erykah Badu. Say, she changed her name to THAT, and was born Erica Wright. We'll get to that when she turns up on "The Late Late Show" in Ireland. 

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