Thursday, December 19, 2019


How bad…is it…in this world where assholes “share” music because they’re just too cheap and nasty to buy it, and piracy is so rampant that record labels and artists can’t literally AFFORD to hunt down and stop every blogger jerk that hides links and re-ups constantly? The ones who have entire discographies on their blogs, and come up with every nitwit excuse for relentlessly making sure nobody EVER has to buy anything but pizza and beer? "I'm having FUN!" "Screw the RIAA!" "I'm giving artists publicity!" Christ, even a hillbilly like Jethro Bodine would know better than THAT.

What it t means is that most singers have to work with indie labels, or sell at their gigs and hope people want a souvenir. They have to be humiliated by tiny checks from Spotify and they must compete with zillions of free music posts on YouTube. If the singer isn’t offering RAP or “boy band” tripe or the kind of rap-pop that Cardi B and Taylor Swift do, it’s time to…GO TO KICKSTARTER.

Even if you have a semi-famous name or connection ("I'm the daughter of JED CLAMPETT aka BARNABY JONES") it doesn't much. This is an era where even Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon have given up, and Steve Miller sighed that there was no point in putting out a new album if it meant pitiful sales figures. Oh, but who cares about THAT when some blogger asshole in Holland, Sweden, Turkey, or some little obscure town a thousand miles from anything that matters, can be a big shot? And get a NICE comment? For somebody else's creativity? Because the blogger can only post an album cover and a link. Or maybe a very stupid joke header about "Neil Old?" 

Over 60, and showing a love of melody, Kiki Ebsen began her career as part of father Buddy Ebsen’s summer “family tour” troupe. On breaks from “Barnaby Jones,” Buddy indulged in his first love, song and dance. With several daughters who could sing and dance, he amused audiences mostly in California with a charming variety show. Kiki (born Nancy) was serious about music and studied classical singing at Cal-Arts (California Institute of the Arts). She was named “Collegiate Entertainer of the Year,” but took an odd detour, playing keyboards with Chicago. After touring for a while with the rock big band, she joined Al Jarreau’s band. She ultimately made her solo debut in 1994, and put out new albums in 2000, 2002, 2005, and 2011. 

 By 2014, she was checking out KICKSTARTER. She had found a bunch of songs (including original tunes written by Buddy) and wanted to put them out, saluting such old time classics as “Tea for Two,” “Laura,” and “You Don’t Know What Love Is.” The album was dubbed the “Scarecrow Sessions,” as it included “If I Only Had a Brain,” which was in “The Wizard Of Oz.” And nearly, so was Buddy Ebsen. The affable song and dance man was originally cast as the Scarecrow. He was shifted to the part of the tin man, but had a terrible reaction to the make-up needed for the part. He was replaced by Jack Haley. (The make-up was also toxic for "Wicked Witch" Margaret Hamilton, who nearly had her face burned off when the green goo all over her reacted to heat.)

 Fortunately for Kiki Ebsen, she had five previous albums, over a decade of touring, and a famous last name to help her raise the $12,000 she felt was needed to get a truly polished, professional recording done. Some might shrug, “Eh, go use Pro Tools. Then we’ll complain about the fake drums after we download it free.” Or, “Why don’t you just give away the CD and make money selling t-shirts?” The truth is that even famous older rock bands have trouble booking a few lousy dates in a City Winery venue in the USA or a dump like Butlins in the UK. Touring and trying to get people to pay for admission and drinks has never been easy, and it’s worse than ever. 

Kiki is currently playing gigs in California with a show called “To Dad With Love: A Tribute to Buddy Ebsen.” Her other project is the aptly named “Kiki Ebsen’s Joni Mitchell Project.” Her latest album (2017) is “Cool Songs” from the Joni catalog. For more information on this great talent, go to her kikiebsen dotcom.  

Below, “Missing You,” which is a co-write from Buddy Ebsen and Zeke Manners. I've never seen Kiki perform live, but I'm sure she's great. As for Buddy Ebsen, let’s just say I have a few memories of him being very generous with his time, and being a kind gentleman. It was his good fortune to be one of the few (Jack Klugman and Dick Van Dyke also come to mind) who managed an enduring hit show late in life, one that was a contrast to previous sitcom fame. His career was an incredibly rich one, from his song and dance days, his work as a Disney co-star, “Beverly Hillbillies,” and “Barnaby Jones,” etc. He loved the sea, and some of his happiest times involved sailing. His words to me, now go back out to his family and his fans: “Fair winds!” (PS, uploading entire albums is not "Fair Use.")

Kiki Ebsen - listen online or download - no passwords, creepy websites with malware or porn ads, no Paypal donation whining, no link to a PAY website so the blogger can steal nickels from the artist

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