Thursday, July 09, 2020

"I'M NOT GOOD LOOKING" the "WOMANFACE" Misogynist Ridicule from James "Fat Turd" Corden - song by WALTER STONE


HA HA HA...wanna see who would be laughing if fat, pig-faced un-funny James Corden dressed up in BLACKFACE instead of WOMANFACE?

Interesting isn't it? Somehow, it's not ok for a comedian (a good one, such as Jimmy Kimmel, or Billy Crystal or Darrel Hammond) to take advantage of make-up technology and do a really good impersonation of a Black celebrity. No no. You are not BLACK so it's OFFENSIVE.

But it's OK for fat, pig-faced un-funny James Corden to make fun of women by mocking what makes them feminine?

Let's see him do BLACKFACE like that. Or REDFACE. Or YELLOWFACE. But because he's an effeminate disgusting talentless twit who has a morbid need to do drag, that's...funny. No, it doesn't look that funny. Not even clown-funny. It's insulting.

Cordon is just the fetid uncircumcized tip of the dickheads. There's homos mincing around in grotesque parody of womanhood on RuPaul's Drag Race, a huge hit. The idea is to wear some of the most stereotypical sex-object outfits imaginable, and if you're not fugly enough and ridiculous enough, "sashay away." How many women do you know who SASHAY away? About as many as blacks who spend their lunch hour chowing on fried chicken and watermelon?

Somehow, DRAG LIVES MATTER. The fabulous #METOO movement isn't demanding that this totally "inappropriate" and un-PC garbage SASHAY AWAY from cable TV. As ugly and demeaning as it is, it STAYS. Maybe because homos can kick cunt around the block, and not even get aroused by it. So watch it, ladies. The drag queens are a lot tougher than you are.

You might think that Walter Stone's "I'm Not Good Looking" was merely used to tee off on fat, ugly, un-funny drag-happy James Corden. Well. YES. One good reason for it, is that James Corden is fat, ugly, un-funny and drag-happy, and what he and other garish female impersonators do is obnoxious. You want to be effeminate, which is bad enough, go ahead, if that's who you are, Nancy, but don't PAINT YOUR FUCKING FACE too. Not in WOMANFACE. As a clown maybe, because that is what you are.

All right. One last point needs to be made. I don't know diddly about "Walter Stone." But I sure filled up a few paragraphs, didn't I?

The totally obscure rockabilly singer Walter Stone managed to get a song pressed on an indie label, and apparently worked the Thunderbird Club in Indianapolis circa 1967. With such a fine song title, it’s not surprising that local disc jockeys then, and cult-oriented indie-radio disc jockeys today, would dedicate this song to a particular person they hate.  Or, they’d get a request from someone to “Please play this song, and dedicate it to Hans…” or Christian. Or Anderson. Or fat un-funny pig-faced James Corden.

So here you are: “I’M NOT GOOD LOOKING,” which you can download and send to your favorite gruesome-looking jerk. That includes Corden. “Here, Pudgy Jim, you’re not only un-funny and un-talented, and couldn't possibly have succeeded in Carson's era or when late-night hosts had to actually have a million+ viewers... you’re NOT GOOD LOOKING. That’ll do, pig.”

1 comment:

  1. I've no idea who James Corden is, but I do known the Walter Stone record whose exchange rate in my realm is currently as follows:

    1 Walter Stone = 1.000 Beatles singles on colored vinyl (?)
