"Captain Crawl" is generally a very fine search engine for finding stolen - ah, shared - music. This blog almost instantly comes up when some strange person types in Judy Henske or Ron Nagle or Marsha Malamet, etc. But once in a while, something odd happens. The Captain gets a dose of the bends.
As you see from the picture, typing in Wink Martindale, Jackie Kannon or Ibn and Ozn did not produce any results, even though songs by them have been on this blog for years. (No different from the posts by Henske, Nagle or Malamet that the Captain did find and list in the search results). So what went wrong? Captain Crawl could be as woozy as Commodore Brooker? How can this possibly be?
With songs now prominently mentioned on this fresh posting, the problem will probably be solved. Anyone looking for music samples from JACKIE KANNON, WINK MARTINDALE and the team of EBN and OZN will now find something. Not much, but something! You'll certainly be able to tell from the single song samples whether to bother hunting for albums by these artists!
SARAH, live performance by Jackie Kannon Listen on line or download, no pop-ups, porn-ads or wait time.
hey, this is chris from captaincrawl.com. To understand the problem you have to know captaincrawl uses POST TITLES to create a result set. so this means if you are writing 1000 times "band xyz" in a post CC will not find this until there's "band xyz" in the TITLE ! in 99,99% this works perfectly aber 100x times better than indexing the entire post content. maybe in autumn 2010 can handle embedded mp3s, i don't know yet... cheers from captaincrawl
Thanks for the heads up, Chris!
I agree, indexing entire posts would only do what Google does...turn up a lot of useless idiocy (like those bloggers who seem to think we want their lists of what they've been listening to lately).
Will try and make sure the artists are in the titles from now on. The Captain concept is still young (in its crawling state) but already is becoming first choice among searchers (and it's hard to find The Searchers without it)
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