Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Forgot about the girls already? Last month a few people shouted "Free Pussy Riot!"

Then they went back to "Music Should be Free," happily downloading from Croatian cocksuckers, Russian thugs, and any other Commie bunch eager to screw up the UK and USA economy.

People download so much, music is disposable and radio stations are no longer influential. Which means protest songs get little attention. "Give Peace a Chance," or "I'm Not Marchin' Anymore," (to quote the Father, Son…both now holy ghosts) were big years ago. Now? Such songs don't work if nobody hears them. So even if Pussy Riot's song was in English, not Russian, it would be lost...heard on a blog and forgotten, because no matter what the issue, it's rare when people take it to the streets.

Instead, they shrug and continue to sit at the computer all day. At best, an activist might go "hacktivist," and in this case momentarily launch a DOS attack on the Kraft Foods website for selling Russian dressing. Then it's back to spam e-mails, fake photo postings or other bullying of some undeserving Internet target, most likely a pimply friend or a Facebook foe. Or a copyright owner with a legitimate complaint about being stolen from, who needs to "learn a lesson" in "not spoiling our FUN."

What can you do? What you can. First, recognize that Putin is evil, and his country isn't "nice" because they'll host places where you can steal American and British music. Shouting "Free Pussy Riot" won't get the girls out of jail, but the more injustices are exposed, the more the sense of outrage builds, and opposition, so that Putin (or other bullies) think twice about how far they can push things.

Even if you believe that totally out-of-control downloading "does no harm," the minimum you can do is avoid Avax-type websites, or bullshit Croatian blogs run by the world's scum. Yes, they are happy to give you American and British music in exchange for your soul. In exchange for your freedom. In exchange for making them richer and more powerful and more able to quash human rights. I've been saying for years, copyright is a human right. Pussy Riot is in jail for the next two fucking years (and that's a long time to keep pussy in a can) because Putin CAN. Because he benefits from every penny stolen away from American and British business, and every penny Avax and others make.

Same thing applies to Croatia. Maybe you weren't aware of the Croatian who beat the shit out of a Jew in upstate New York, went to his embassy, and instantly got an escape pass back home. Wasn't extradited. Got a slap on the wrist for nearly killing a man. But go ahead, download from some asshole with a blog located in Croatia, and leave him "nice" comments.

Putin is an insidious Commie bastard. Don't people know that? I guess not. They didn't think "Kim Dotcom" was a Nazi bastard! When Megaupload was finally shut down, most mourned it, and mourned poor fat Kim as a humanitarian, not a gluttonous, thieving swindler who arrogantly owned the biggest mansion and most land in the nation, by turning copyright owners into his slaves. Yes, slaves, the "niggers of the world" who didn't get a dime off the premium account money HE made off their work.

Over here, closer to reality, the grayzone is that offering a download of a song, one usually obscure, out of print or not of a high bit-rate, is educational and useful. It's intended to get attention for the artist, which (rationalization though it is) offsets the minor loss of a few pennies. Which is less humiliating than trying to make a living off the few pennies being offered to copyright owners via the streaming SpottyPie or the discount dotcom download site eekMusic. Yeah, they are SO much better than the record keeping the profits for themselves. Why do you think there's an "I" in front of iTunes? Because the guys who run it say, "I get a bigger share than the artists!"

As for Pussy Riot, these tiger lillies sound like they actually practiced in the basement more than once.

Since you don't speak Russian, yet, here's the translation for "Putin Lights Up the Fires," which references another thing about dictators…their vanity. Napoleon had his penguin outfit and silly hat. Hitler and his mustache. Pooty-poot (to use Dubya Bush's affectionate term for him) has a thing for plastic surgery ("botoxed cheeks"). He's also generated faked images of himself holding guns and pretending to be hunting dangerous prey and risking his life. He is sure into homoerotic shirtless posing, which probably would turn on "Father Lukashenko." To give you an idea of how appalling Lukashenko is, Congress actually noticed him, and passed the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 to combat some of his idealogies. Now to the song...

This state may be stronger than time in jail. The more arrests, the happier it is. Every arrest is carried out with love for the sexist who botoxed his cheeks and pumped his chest and abs.

But you can't nail us in the coffin. Throw off the yoke of former KGB!

Putin is lighting the fires of revolution….With every execution: the stench of rotten ash, with every long sentence: a wet dream.

The country is going, the country is going into the streets boldly…the country is going to bid farewell to the regime
 The country is going, the country is going, like a feminist wedge and Putin is goin to say goodbye like a sheep Arrest the whole city for May 6th. Seven years isn't enough, give us 18! Forbid us to scream, walk and curse! Go and marry Father Lukashenko

Sapristi! Putin Lights Up the Fires

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