Saturday, January 19, 2013


Sapristi! For a few weeks, there's actual winter. Yes, despite climate change, there's bound to be a week or two where the temperature actually hits the freezing level. So quick, before it's over, listen to "Winter Rushes On," because the weather's going to slip slide away into balmy temperatures very soon.

"Winter Rushes On" was the B-side for "Without You," a single released in August of 1964 on British Decca. It was imported for America's "Big Top" label, where there was some hope that The Daly's might be competition for other moody duos of the day. The hazy shades of "Winter Rushes On"'s words and lyrics could've been on Paul and Artie's "Sound of Silence" album. The song could've been covered as part of the filler on any Peter and Gordon and Chad and Jeremy disc.

The song is pleasantly sad, and well suited for a solo trudge on newly fallen snow. But be quick, as snow doesn't stick around long these days, and soon turns into the kind of dirty slush only suited for the eyelids of Adele or Nicki Minaj.

"Winter Rushes On" was written by only one Daly; John Patrick Daly along with Patrick Carroll. As you expect total obscurity from this blog, duly noted is: "Adieu Ma Maison," released around the same time, with the same melody but French lyrics by Alice Dona. She was a "Ye-Ye Girl," and her major recordings were between 1963 and 1965. Her version was apparently also covered on an old EP by the French fivesome called "Les Celibataires."

I haven't tracked down "Adieu Ma Maison," because every time I've been in a Paris record store and asked, the reply has been, "Adieu, Ma Twit." And the door gets slammed in my face. Which leads me to growl "Sapristi!" and skulk away with my baguette between my legs. However, when I invite Madame Dona to journey from the Ile De France to the Ile de Folks, I'll ask her to bring along a copy to give away (in the spirit of the "Free French" of Casablanca). Her birthday is coming up on February 17th. A month later, and there will be heat waves! Winter gone! "We were married in the spring...there was plenty to drink..."


1 comment:

  1. I really like this track. Their voices put me in mind of The Everly Brothers. Thanks for posting!
