Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Though he had a common name, there's only one great R&B singer called Louis Jones. Louis was born in Galveston, Texas on April 28th, 82 years ago. He's no longer with us, but he recorded soul greatness for a variety of labels, mostly circa 1956 and 1964. He recorded as "Louis Jones" and also "Louis BLUES BOY Jones," tracks including "I Believe To My Soul" on the Enjoy label, "Come on Home" from Sabra Records, and the ultra strange, especially for a major label such as Decca, "The Birds is Coming."

Straining and frantic R&B singers were not too popular on AM radio back in 1963. Louis Jones is so raspy, just listening you'll want to reach for some cough drops. Adding to the growling and howling....some actual bird noises in the mix! Pretty amazing for its time.

The song attempted to cash in on the latest Alfred Hitchcock movie, which had gotten a lot of advance publicity thanks to the master's own choice of slogan, the correctly grammatical (referring to the title of the film) "'The Birds' is Coming." There were no black people in Bodega Bay (location for the movie) and Tippie Hedren is about as white and waspy as a leading actress can get, so it's hard to figure why anyone thought an R&B rave-up would be a tie-in. With it's constant cry of "The Bird is Coming," the few R&B radio stations out there probably didn't play the song, suspicious that it sounded more like a long movie commercial.

Jones' soulful style had zero crossover chances back in 1963, when even raw and raucous James Brown wasn't getting on the same radio stations that favored the smooth pop harmonies of The Four Seasons, who were on the charts with "Walk Like a Man" (Not "Run from The Birds.").

Yes, Top 40 radio aimed at white teens did offer black artists, but they had to be smoothies: Ruby and the Romantics with "Our Day Will Come" or cute girl group The Chiffons (who at the time of this Louis Jones release, were riding high via "He's So Fine," aka "My Sweet Lord"). Teenage ears in 1963 were much more likely to accept "Blue Velvet" from Bobby Vinton and "Surf City" from Jan and Dean. The following year The Beatles discovered that fans preferred a whiter shade of cover version over the then-obscure originals by Little Richard or Chuck Berry.

Now, most everyone's ears are attuned to gospel, Delta blues, rap, righteous R&B, and all ethnic stylings. Well, even so...BE WARNED! You have not heard anything quite like Louis Jones. This ain't no funky chicken. This is serious! Deadly peckers! Cover your heads. Protect your ears....



  1. This is my father. I appreciate you spreading the good news about my amazing father's legacy. For many years people didn't know much about Blues Boy Jones' life. I am excited to share many wonderful stories with people global, the book I have been working on about my late father will hit the book stores by Fall 2014. So far, I have written 5 articles, that has been featured in 5 different newspapers. I thank each person for supporting Jones' legacy throughout the years. LaVern Jones Lemons, his oldest daughter. Love and peace to all.

  2. The article and picture on Louis Jones, that you posted along with the song titled, The Birds is Coming, on this blog site back on October 29, 2013, comes from the information that I have shared with viewers worldwide. I do thank for posting this information.

  3. To the blogger that posted this article. I meant to say some of the info that was posted about blues singer Louis Blues Boy Jones is from articles that I have shared with people global since 2011. There are 9 of my father's songs viewed on YouTube and other websites worldwide. In 2011 Jones had about 2,000 views/hits on YouTube and as of today he has over 61,011 views and climbing! I appreciate Blues Boy Jones' awesome supporters/followers of his timeless music all around the globe. Again, I thank each of you!

  4. LaVern, thank you for bringing this treasure to our attention. It's so important to keep this music alive.

  5. Thanks Unknown. It is a good feeling to known that you cared enough to respond back. I am grateful for all of Louis Blues Boy Jones' followers of his music/legacy. Truly the reasons why these songs are still topping charts many places around the globe!I greatly appreciate everyone. LaVern Jones Lemons

  6. LaVern Jones Lemons... good luck with the book!

    Whether an eBook, print-on-demand, I'm sure there will be fans eager to know more about this great man.

    That's the purpose of this blog...to give people a "taste" of a unique artist they might not know...but to leave the full story, and full albums, for the family and record label to administer.

    Hopefully the Internet exposure here and on YouTube will get friends, relatives and fans to contribute more of their thoughts and memorabilia.

  7. I am beyond thankful for this blog site Ill Folks. I truly appreciate you all for the recognition of my father Louis Blues Boy Jones as well as other great artists. Your kind words mean a lot to me. I am sure many people read the wonderful comments yet some chose not to say anything. But I am most happy for those who do make comments. I am certainly grateful for the people that log on and listen to the beautiful music these amazing artists created long ago. Realizing there is still more incredible things yet to come about some these talented musicians. I am extremely excited and I will post updates about my book on Blues Boy Jones' life. Please forgive me for the mistakes I previously made in my comments. Thanks. Love, peace & music!

  8. Hoping all who read comments on this blog site know that 10 of Louis Blues Boy Jones' songs are on YouTube and other websites. Everyone please log on and view: Tribute to Louis Blues Boy Jones. Leelan Jackson Jr. pays a special tribute to his great grandfather by singing a few lines of each song. June 27, 2014 will mark 30 years since Jones passed away. Leelan is my grandson and my granddaughter Jaelah Jackson did the upload. Thanks to all!

  9. Thanks, LaVern, this is great news...I hope that through blogs like mine, YouTube, and Facebook, there will be ever more interest in Blues Boy Jones and other deserving artists who gave us joy in life, and left us a legacy forever.

  10. Yes IllFolks,after finding out that my father's music has been on YouTube since 2007. All of this great news about my father is very exciting yet emotional for me but in a great way. A follower of Jones' music made a statement about how this all became possible being able to communicate with Blues Boy Jones' daughter. Also he said my father is his favorite artist from the 1950's & 1960's era and now he's talking to his daughter via the Internet! It's hard to explain but I am grateful for all these amazing opportunities of meeting people who love and respect Jones' legacy then and now! In 2007 I made the statement to my younger sister that I will write a book about our Dad's life and one day I hope someone make a movie of Jones' life. Thanking all of Louis Blues Boy Jones' followers. Love, peace & blessings to each of you...

  11. Major changes for Louis Blues Boy Jones' legacy and music. I thank this blog site for helping keep Jones' legacy alive! Please share these links. Again my appreciation for all of my father's followers of his music soar above and beyond the clouds!

  12. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fjone
    Sorry correction on this link

  13. IllFolks, please check out Louis Blues Boy Jones on Wikipedia and the Texas History Handbook. The "THE BIRDS IS COMING! Hitch yourself to LOUIS JONES,"is mentioned on both sites. Jones has been featured in six different newspapers, two of them he made the front page! I kindly thank you for recognizing my father's talents as a great entertainer. Soon Jones' hometown Galveston, Texas will name a street after him. I will advocate next for a date to be set aside in Galveston to honor his legacy also. This has been some of the most gratifying moments in my life. I am so proud of my Dad. What a blessing to be sharing this great news about Blues Boy Jones' legacy and music with all of his wonderful followers in places around this world! Humbly blessed. Again, thank you to everybody far and near. Love. peace and MUSIC!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hello. This is LaVern Lemons. I want to inform everyone about my book titled: The Re-Introduction of a Blues Legend A Daughter's Amazing Discovery 23 Years Later is now available online with Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Xlibris or a local bookstore desk. I thank you all in advance for helping preserve Jones' legacy and music. Please enJOY a love story a daughter has for her father. Love, peace & MUSIC!http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-000921644/The-ReIntroduction-of-a-Blues-Legend.aspx

  16. Starting April 28, 2016! It is official on Galveston Island, Louis Blues Boy Jones Day. The Proclamation was signed by Mayor James Yarbrough in August 2015. I will be at the Rosenberg Library (Galveston, Texas) for a book signing from 5pm-9pm on that day (4/28/2016). Come out and help us celebrate my father's legacy. We appreciate the love and support from his followers around the globe. Again, we thank everyone with much appreciation for supporting our journey! Love, peace & MUSIC! LaVern

  17. Taneshia Aaron Chenier
    FEBRUARY 14, 2016 AT 4:52 PM REPLY
    Hey Big Sister, I don’t no what it is about today because you no I don’t make Comments on these sites but today I feel I must make an exception �� I want to let you know I am so PROUD of you & I know Dad is SMILING��! I PRAY that the GOOD LORD continue BLESSING YOU���� & DIRECTING YOUR PATH….Who would of thought by me contacting you years ago about Dad Music STILL being Sold on the internet & People asking me questions about Dad that I could not answer because I was to young to know anything would have led to this….I’m saying this to say You have ALWAYS had the TOOL(S) KNOWLEDGE/TALENT etc…but GOD ALLOWED You to use it when it was YOUR SEASON�������������� �� You see WE can’t do things on OUR time WE have to do it when GOD LEAD US Cause if you think back when I first brought this information to your attention about our Dad you told me you been wanting to write a book about Dads Life for years but you hadn’t started…. I guess OBSTACLES/ QUESTIONS was HENDERING you from making a move�� (REMEMBER) Everytime we would talk on the phone I would ask you if you started the Book & You would laugh & say “NOT YET SIS” then I would Laugh & reply “GIRL WHATCHA WAITING ON” Then ONE BLESSET DAY YOU TOOK A LEAP OUT ON FAITH ���� PRAISE GOD���� And ever since that day EVERYTHING JUST BEEN FALLING INTO PLACE & I’M OVERWHELMED WITH JOY BECAUSE OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS & SUCCESS….WITH THAT BEING SAID HERE’S A PHONE TOAST FROM ME TO YOU THIS TOAST IS FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS/SUCCESS ���� & THIS TOAST IS FOR USING THOSE MANY OBSTACLES AS STEPPING STONES ���� I LOVE YOU, From your lil Sister Taneshia ��

    LaVern Jones Lemons
    FEBRUARY 16, 2016 AT 3:24 AM REPLY
    LaVern Jones Lemons Everyone please read this Academy Award winning speech from my baby sister Taneshia. It all begin when she notified me about our Dad, Louis blues Boy Jones’ name mentioned in the Don Robey story over the Internet in October 2007. Teary moment for me. Thanksgiving in my heart with much love for her, the legacy our dad left behind, family, friends and Jones’ amazing followers worldwide. Again, in October 2007 I told Taneshia that I would write a book about our Dad’s life and I hope someone will make a movie one day. The book is out and I believe by faith someone will make a movie. Having high hopes. But, to God we owe it all…Thanks everyone!!!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 3 mins · Edited
    LaRoysha Jackson
    LaRoysha Jackson Simply beautiful Mom.

  18. April 28, 2016 will be Louis Blues Boy Jones Day on Galveston Island! Jones will be turning 85 years old. Gone too soon. I am so proud of my Dad's accomplishments in the music industry. A Blues Boy Jones Exhibition and book signing will be held in Galveston Texas on that day at the Rosenberg Library. Still believing a movie from my story! I thank all of his wonderful followers worldwide...love, peace and music!

  19. "Galveston, oh Galveston..." that'll be a great day. I hope those in the area can drive in for it.
    All the greats started out unknown. Many were discovered after their departure, and now have joined the immortals; making people glad to be alive and to enjoy unique, touching work.

  20. Thank you for your kindness. My heart leaps with joy when it comes to my Dad, Louis Prince Jones Jr. Gratefulness, a privilege and what an honor for his music and legacy. Gone, yet his music still touch the hearts of so many. Soon I will publish a second book about my father's life. I'm a lil' nervous about April 28th, 2016. This will be my second book signing on Galveston Island. However, I am filled with excitement!

    I thank you again!

    God bless all...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. https://www.createspace.com/Img/T445/T46/T34/BookCoverImage.jpg?random=0.9653461754712562

    My second book is now available on Amazon! Unknown for Six Decades. Last year I discovered an 8x10 negative of my father marked unknown for 60 years. Found in the Don Robey Duke-Peacock record files donated by Andrew Brown at the University of Houston (Houston, Texas). I am blessed beyond measure. Enjoy these stories written from my heart. Thanks and please share. LaVern

  23. DJ Skippy White played The Birds is Coming by Louis Jones on TOUCH 106.1 FM radio on Saturday 11/05/2016 in Boston, Massachusetts. Skippy White has a show called The Time Tunnel each Saturday from 8 am to 12 noon in Boston. He has a record shop in Boston called Skippy White's records. I had to call Skippy and thank him personally for what he had done for my late father's legacy and music. He told me that he has been in business for 55 years. Proud moment for us but with gratitude in our hearts! Skippy says he will play more of my father's music. How blessed we are. Thank you Skippy!

  24. EXCITING NEWS for this record. I received a phone call from a friend in the UK. He told me that DJ Skippy White on TOUCH 106.1 FM radio in Boston Massachusetts played this song on Saturday 10/15/2016. I knew I would be calling Skippy to thank him personally for such an honor as this. Skippy told me that my Dad was one of his favorites and he couldn't believe that he was talking to Louis Jones' daughter after all these years. FATE! Skippy told me he has been in business for 55 years. Skippy White's records is located in Boston. His radio show called The Time Tunnel airs each Saturday from 8 am to 12 noon. Humble appreciation from our hearts to Skippy and all parties involved. We thank you all! My Dad has followers around the globe. That's LOVE!

  25. Tomorrow!!! APRIL 28, 2017 HAPPY 86th BIRTHDAY DADDY! Rest on peacefully...Grateful to God your legacy lives...Asking family, friends and followers of his music to order UNKNOWN FOR SIX DECADES on AMAZON.COM. Blues Boy Jones is now listed in the Texas Historical Encyclopedia, noted in Wikipedia, given a Galveston (Texas) City Proclamation and two streets on Galveston Island are renamed after him! Also my father's 10 songs are on YouTube. These songs are uploaded by people worldwide. Staying hopeful for a movie! Thanks for the love everybody!

  26. Found a Canadian stock copy of the birds is coming in my late grandfathers collection I just Aquired!!! One of a kind blues artist and may be a one of a kind 45!!!

  27. Mr. Kevin Dowse sir my eyes teared and my heart is filled with excitement. Thank you for sharing this cherished moment about my late father's music. 33 years ago my father passed away on 6/27/1984. So proud of my father and the music that he left behind for everyone to still enjoy some 61 years later. I'm about speechless! THE BIRDS IS COMING was recorded 54 years ago in New York City. The record that you have in your possession is a priceless gem and thanks to your grandfather! Kevin, I appreciate you just for sharing this unforgettable moment in time about Louis (BLUES BOY) Jones! Please continue to share Jones' music and legacy. Still striving for a movie deal about a traveling blues musician from Galveston Texas that saw my mother at a Ray Charles dance back in 1952 at The Galveston City Auditorium! The story continues.

  28. Please log onto the link below. Or just copy and paste it. Enjoy listening from a radio station in Brazil that features my father, Louis Blues Boy Jones. Grateful and appreciate all whom takes out their time to honor and celebrate his music. Also, sharing his legacy with the world!

  29. LaVern Jones Lemons2:11 PM

    Oh! My goodness. God allowed me to write a story then turn book about my late father, Louis Blues Boy Jones. My Dad was a blues singer in the early 1950's & 1960's. He was from Galveston Texas. Today this incredible lady named Shayla K organized an interview about my story on this amazing website called INTELLECTUAL BEATS. Log onto the article; enjoy reading, please share and leave a comment. Music plays a big part in life and your family's history is very important. Be safe out there everyone. Love & blessings---LaVern.

    Shayla Kuykendall is with LaVern Jones Lemons.
    April 27 at 1:27 PM

    LaVern Jones Lemons is on a mission to bring awareness to her father's legacy and music. Her latest book, Unknown for Six Decades: The Rediscovery of Louis “Blues Boy” Jones, gives us a window into her father's life and walks us through the process she went through to have a day set aside to celebrate his contributions to blues music.
    Click the link to learn more about her story!
    We interviewed LaVern Lemons, the oldest daughter of the late blues singer, Louis “Blues Boy” Jones, to learn about his legacy and music, and to talk about why she wrote her latest book…


    Meet the Author who is Helping the World Rediscover her Father’s Legacy
    We interviewed LaVern Lemons, the oldest daughter of the late blues singer, Louis “Blues Boy” Jones, to learn about his legacy and music, and to talk about why she wrote her latest book…
    We interviewed LaVern Lemons, the oldest daughter

  30. LaVern Jones Lemons2:12 PM

    I never thought that a lil shy country girl would years later carry the torch and be sharing the history about her late father's life with the world! Sometimes God gives us special gifts and assignments. My dad, Louis Blues Jones' gifts was being an entertainer, vocalist and instrumentalist. I sing a little but, I love to write and be an encourager.
    Please help me keep the celebration going through the weekend. Let's all be safe and while at home listen to some LOUIS BLUES BOY JONES music on YOUTUBE.
    On FACEBOOK: Please log into INTELLECTUAL BEATS.COM with Shayla K and enjoy the interview about the importance of sharing your family's history. I talk about my father's legacy being rediscovered 23 years later.
    I advice people to get your story out there. Staying hopeful for a musical or play about my Dad's music. Also, I plan to one day own the rights to his music. Truly I'm grateful for this journey. God bless and with kindness, I do thank you all for your support year after yearđź’™.
    I received messages with love and appreciation from people around the globe and even some radio stations sent messages about airing Jones' music!
    Don't forget to order a copy of my books on Amazon.com
