Friday, November 29, 2013


A dignified, dark and moody theme song that conveys an aura of mystery….

Yeah, you could say that about "The Perry Mason Theme." But what if that music wasn't played while glowering Raymond Burr stood in a court room, pondering new and startling evidence?

If you listen to the music without conjuring up an image of Raymond Burr, you might agree that the original title, "Park Avenue Beat" is appropriate...and this is actually some pretty sexy R&B jazz. It's the kind that could be played while a stripper performs, or in a nightclub as hip couples grind against each other with their full bodies (and full bodied couples grind against each other with their hips).

Let Fred Steiner describe the origins of this double-named tune:

"The original title was "Park Avenue Beat," and the reason for that was I conceived of Perry Mason as this very sophisticated lawyer; eats at the best restaurants, tailor-made sutis and so on. Yet at the same time he was mixed up with these underworld bad guys, and murder and crime.

"So the underlying beat is R&B, rhythm and blues. In those days, jazz, R&B whatever, was always associated with crime. Those old film noir pictures, they've always got jazz going. It's like whenever you see a Nazi (in a film) they play Wagner. It's kind of symphonic R&B, that's why it's called "Park Avenue Beat," but since then it's been known as "The Perry Mason Theme."

"It's gone through several changes depending of the timing…they would change the main titles year in and year out. " Mostly, the changes have been in tempo. There's one big difference in the Perry Mason theme used for the 1980's made-for-TV movies: after the ominous introduction, there's a cymbal crash before the main theme begins. You get that version as well as one of the many vinyl cover versions released back in the day. Yes, Hatch is the guy who was behind so many Petula Clark hits of the early 60's...and he radically changes the tempo to make this more of a teen dance number, that frug-head.

The Perry Mason Theme…. Hatched by Tony




  1. OMG!!! I am 71 years old; and I have been mesmerized by this theme song for almost 50 years! It is just pure genius music! Love the Hatch re-version as well. Both masterpieces!!

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    We must be listening to different music. To me it is ominous and menacing, dissonant and anti-melodic. Of course I didn't live through the 1950s/1960s, so perhaps the associations are unique to the mindset and experience of the time.

  3. I still have to wonder why it's called Park Avenue Beat, despite being set in Los Angeles. Not New York City.

  4. Hi Ryan, my guess is that "Park Avenue Beat" was sitting around in Fred's files, and he figured it might be useful for his assignment to come up with a theme for the "Perry Mason" show.

    Something similar happened with "The Tonight Show" theme. When Johnny Carson took over, Paul Anka submitted a theme song...which he had called "Toot Sweet" in an instrumental version, and then, with lyrics, "It's Only Love" recorded by Annette Funicello. He presented it as an original, inspired by Carson. (He's stuck to this story in his book and in interviews).

    Johnny, being a drummer, suggested the tune open with drums, and Anka gladly agreed. Anka also agreed to give Johnny 50% royalties as "co-writer." (I wrote about this back on April 13, 2013 on the blog)
