Wednesday, December 09, 2020

THE PLAGUE - Here Today Gone Tomorrow especially if you listen to Clapton or Van


One thing we've definitely learned from the pandemic: a lot of people are assholes. Some are ignorant assholes. Others are arrogant assholes. Still more are just plain stupid assholes. The ignorant ones don't understand the importance of masks, distancing or vaccines. The arrogant ones figure they're somehow immune, or it's a sign of weakness to be cautious. Then there are the stupid ones who think it's all a government conspiracy or some kind of attempt to "infringe" on "freedom." 

Of course its possible to be both ignorant, arrogant AND stupid. (Nobody like that reads THIS blog). Perhaps fitting into all three characters is a certain idiot savant "guitar hero" named Clapper, or something like that. He was influenced in his efforts to prove that drugs can continue to affect a person, by a guy who has developed the body of a suckling pig while singing like a rabid goose. Moving Van or something like that. That's what he fucking looks like. A moving van in a pork pie hat. 


What you see from the pictures, by the way, is that Clapper hasn't opened his eyes in 40 years. (Let's face it, "Layla" was a long time ago, and his mute, moody slow version of the song was pretty lame, as has been most of his later albums). Van? Blind completely to sanity. Now, this asshole also hasn't done anything too great in 40 years, and he sounded retarded when he was mildly worth listening to. "Moondance," yeah, some kind of jazz-rock fusion that wasn't bad. I'm not sure why he was babbling so much about a "Brown Eyed Girl." They are VERY common aren't they? How about wanting a girl with one brown eye and one green one? THAT would celebrate a much more unique female. (One blue eye and one brown one, or one blue eye and one green one, or a cyclops...all would've have made that garble-voiced song a lot more interesting).

Van Morrison somehow thinks that the government is being “FASCIST” by protecting assholes from themselves. What else, Van, no speed limits on the highways? Legalizing heroin? Allowing everyone in England to own an assault rifle?  

Wearing a mask is not wearing a muzzle because of government sadism. It’s to protect people for their down good. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. Making sure people stay the fuck away from each other via distancing is SIMPLE, too. Fact is, if this wasn't a rule in stores, arrogant assholes would get in your face all the time, instead of being shown the door.

Funny, Van Morrison doesn’t believe in “Freedom” when it comes to protecting his music. He is one of the most virulent anti-blog anti-piracy guys around. Try to put up Van Morrison’s shit and WHAM, it’s taken down. Is he being a FASCIST? He actually thinks some government laws are good?

 What Eric and Van are mostly grumbling about (and really, nobody under 60 gives a fuck about them) seems to be the government NOT doing ENOUGH for musicians. 

 There's been a bit of elitist shit from musicians and the Broadway crowd: "We need the arts! It's an outrage the venues have closed! Give money to all the simpering actors and the glowering musicians who are not being allowed to prance around on a stage! We NEED entertainment! Don't shut these venues down just because of the worst plague in 100 fucking years!"

To this I reply: VAN, ERIC, take a look down any fucking street in a city or town. How many theaters and rock venues do you see...compared to restaurants? Bars? Schools? ALL have suffered. So have business from barber shops to bowling alleys to gyms to recording studios. It's pretty arrogant to be spouting off about rock shows, when schools are closed and museums and libraries too. PRIORITIES. It's unfortunate that famous has-been rock stars can get publicity and attention for what THEY think is a priority, and the media wouldn't pay the same attention to a spokesman for teachers, the curator of a museum, or even the owner of a chain of failing restaurants...all of whom deserve the publicity too, if not moreso.

Here's Van whining "save live music," as if that's the priority, above saving lives, putting kids in school, having restaurants open, helping Mom and Pop stores stay around, keeping nursing homes safe, and taking care of so many people who have essential jobs that have been fucked over for the past six months!< P>

Who is speaking out for "save the restaurant owner and his staff, who don't have "take out food" and rely on people to come in for steaks or spaghetti or whatever, and have been starving for the past six months?

Shouldn't the government's priority be the average person who can't work? In the USA, the government sent out ONE "stimulus" check. That was it. Sadly, a lot of businesses have failed over these agonizing months. Many restaurants have gone out of business. It's not just ROCK venues that are suffering. If Eric and Van want to raise money, via a bad record anybody can bootleg on the Internet free, fine. But have some common fucking sense about it. It's not "FASCIST" to protect people from their own stupidity. Unfortunately, it isn't just STUPID people who die of Covid because they all crowded around on the beach or defiantly in a bar, they spread it to normal people.

Van supposedly will send his royalty checks to needy musicians who have lost work due to Covid. I do hope that includes guys like Turley Richards, or ladies like Sonja Christina of Curved Air, or Eleanor McEvoy, and others who play the smaller venues and rely on touring for several months because they don’t play the arenas like Van and Eric. I doubt anyone will see much money...let's remember the farces like the "Concert for Bangla Desh" where the profits got mis-managed. Rockers are notoriously stupid when it comes to trusting managers and accountants with funds!  

To quote an R.E.M. line, “Everybody hurts…”

Perhaps none hurt more than the front-line nurses and doctors, who are overwhelmed in some towns and cities by cases of Covid. Some have fallen victim, either physically or psychologically. That's a lot worse than somebody with a day job having to sit out "open mic" night in Bristol.

 Phil Ochs used to say that the liberal was “ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.” And Van Morrison, because it affects his flatulent, inflated ego so much, has gone 70 degrees to the right, to the point of being a Trumper; a totally ignorant loudmouthed fool.  
 Governments have been trying, ever since this shit began, to get people back to work …. that way they can collect taxes and have a strong economy. Fer Chrissake, the last thing any country wants is tons of people sick and/or out of work. Get real, my drugged up rock "idols."

Hey Van, whatever became of "The Plague?" Just one of many rock groups who didn't quite have the luck in getting a song played by a disc jockey, and instead having to give up on being creative and getting paid for it. We're all "Here Today Gone Tomorrow" or at some other unspecified date in the future. Let's not making it "Here Today Gone Today" because somebody breathed Covid on us! 

Listen or download: THE PLAGUE -

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