Monday, November 19, 2007


Submitted for your approval, a song by Kas Product, an early 80's French new wave duo. It's Mona Soyoc on vocals and synths by Spatsz.
One picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let you discover this little oddity for yourself, with, oh, a few lyric lines from "Pussy X" for a tease:
"Hi puss! Pussycat! Where are you?"
"Oh Fish! Why can't she leave me!"
"I just want to pick you up, dear, have you in my arms..."
"...I wasn't always a cat. Used to be like YOU in fact...and it's your bad luck if I'm black! Wait and see till I scratch...see what you get now?"
"OH! Ohhhh cat! You're such a....oh're too..."

Ah yes, and don't forget to visit the Black Pussy Cafe...has Michael Finn been in today? Instant download, no code words or wait time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Great site , funny song

    to hear but not to download.

    Keith Toronto
